Bichectomia or Buccal Fat Removal
Bichectomia or Buccal Fat Removal in Houston Excess buccal fat is usually a hereditary condition that typically does not respond to weight loss. With the popularity of model-like facial features, several women with cherubic faces

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Buccal fat pad removal, also known as cheek reduction surgery
This is designed to create a more sculpted facial contour or chiseled look.
The buccal fat pad is removed which reduces the cherubic, soft and round facial appearance.
The buccal fat pad removal is performed through a small incision inside the mouth.
The buccal fat is about the size of a golf-ball or ping-pong ball. Buccal fat removal can be done in conjunction with other procedures to further enhance the facial contour. The location of buccal fat deep within the face prevents its removal with liposuction.
Emmanuel De La Cruz MD, PLLC Houston Plastic Surgeon Houston Liposuction
Posted by Emmanuel De La Cruz, M.D., PLLC at 5:29 PM
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