Best Bra after Breast Augmentation
What is the Best Bra After Breast Augmentation?
A common question a patient, who recently underwent a breast augmentation, would ask is the type of bra that they should wear after surgery. Finding the best bra after breast augmentation could be challenging. Wearing a bra the first 6 weeks to 3 months after surgery is important in order to prevent the implant from "bottoming out." The purpose of the bra is mostly for implant support and comfort.
"The Girl in M&S Bra" by Ian Hunter (Courtesy of Professor Ian Hunter from Spain)
A simple post surgical sports bra with the clasp in front would be an ideal bra to wear the first 3 months after surgery. The usage of underwire bras is controversial, especially immediately after breast augmentation. There is a particular bra, called Le Mystere No.9, that is specifically designed for women who have breast implants (breast augmentation the woodlands). The manufacturer of the bra is in partnership with one of the leading breast implant manufacturers. I recommend asking one of your Houston plastic surgeons his/her post-operative bra protocol before purchasing a "special breast implant bra."

Emmanuel De La Cruz M.D.